On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Mekelburg, Karsten wrote:

> Hi experts,
> can anybody give my an explantation about the approach, using by pmx,
> to replace the system on a page. In the preambel I have to set the
> number ob systems an pages. PMX makes the same time of systemn on all
> pages. But on the first page I'am using a lot of place for the title,
> instruction to the player and so on. I'am using the MusiXTeX macros to
> make a title. So it comes to an ugly behaviour: the last system of the
> first page will placed on an empty second page, just including the
> last system from page one. Is there an option in pmx to set the heigth
> of the title?
> Best regards
Since you didn't give an example it is hard to give specific advice.
Here are some general comments to your question:

     (i) you say you are using PMX, but then you say you are using the
         MusiXTeX macros. I assume you are referring to the commands
         defined in musixsty.tex, not to the PMX commands "Ti,Tc,Tt"

         Although musixsty.tex is OK for cases with complexity somewhere
         in between the simple PMX commands and more complicated text
         layout, it sounds to me that yours is of the latter kind. So
         you might want to try using LaTeX, which gives you all the
         flexibility you might need.

         Instructions how to do that can be found in my PMX


         (look at Sect. C4 "PMX and LaTeX")

    (ii) the page layout algorithm of PMX is complicated and may
         sometimes lead to undesirable (or at least surprising) results.
         Read Sect. B 5.8 of the above tutorial for some advice on how
         to proceed to get what you want,

   (iii) there is NO option in PMX to set the height of the title (the
         only layout parameter you can influence by generic PMX commands
         is the vertical spacing). You can, however, choose the font
         (and size) of the title etc. as you please, by adding some TeX
         font command directly into the text, e.g. writing

                            \tt Passacaglia in F

         instead of simply

                            Passacaglia in F

         But again, it may be simpler to do such things with LaTeX.


  Prof.Dr. Cornelius C. Noack    Phones:
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