
On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 11:57, Roland Stigge wrote:
> (1) [...]
> Please include the above promised statement somewhere in pmx250.zip and
> include a copy of http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt .
> (2) Please provide ref250.tex as you did for 2.3 and 2.4. At Debian (as
> other source based distributions do), we prefer clean sources. Don't
> worry about the right pdf output generation.

Thanks for doing it, Don. I integrated the new version into Debian.
Therefore, I needed to convert pmx250.zip to a Unix-style tarball. If
you are interested, have a look at
http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/pmx.html . There (at the bottom), you
will find pmx_2.5.0.orig.tar.gz which can be renamed just to
pmx-2.5.0.tar.gz. Without the other files you find on the page, the
tarball is not Debian specific. The README reads as follows:

Unix style package of PMX

This is the Unix style version of PMX, initially provided for Debian,
but (hopefully) suitable for any Unix-like system like GNU/Linux.

Prerequisites for building/installing this package:
* GNU Fortran 77 (g77)
* LaTeX
* MusiXTeX

Command for building:
$ make

Command for installing (as root):
# make install

Command for uninstalling (as root):
# make uninstall

Changes to the original pmx250.zip:
* Removed bin/*
* Removed original doc/* (to be generated from the tex/*.tex sources)
* dos2unix'ed all text files (and added EOL to pmxab.for)
* Renamed: tex/pmx250.tex -> tex/pmxdoc.tex
* Renamed: tex/ref250.tex -> tex/ref.tex
* Renamed: examples/DYNTEST.PMX -> examples/dyntest.pmx
* Moved pmxab/pmx250.for and scor2prt/scor2prt.for to src/pmxab.for and
* src/{pmxab,scor2prt}.for: applied proposed getarg changes
* Included man pages doc/{pmx,pmxab,scor2prt}.1
* Added src/pmx convenience executable
* Added Makefile infrastructure
* Added ChangeLog (changes from PMX 2.2 to latest version)
* Added this README

-- Roland Stigge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tue, 17 Feb 2004 10:48:51 +0100

Feel free to set a link from W.I.M.A. to it, or copy.


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