You are getting exactly what you ask. Maybe not what you think you ask.
|| is not a bar line, it is a visual separator. It can appear in the middle
of a bar, and the way you have coded this excerpt, in the middle of the bar
is just where it appears every time.
What you want is probably

Meter: 0/2

Thank you Dirk, I missed some finer details of mtx/pmx meter/bar line encoding. Your answer tells me two things: a) MTX does not see a pickup in my example since '||' is not recognised as bar line (am I right?) and b) that bars of length "brevis" should be noted 0/2 and not 8/2. The PMX manual has indeed a section on bars with "n/1", but what is the aim of that feature? Where's the difference?

regards Bernhard

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