On Sun, 9 Jan 2005, Don Simons wrote:

I don't know LaTeX or use it much at all so I'm passing this one on. Has
anyone tried it out? Should there be a link to it from our software page? If
anyone thinks so, please provide a one- or two-line description to put with
the link. Just from the screen shots, it looks more like a LaTeX development
environment than simply an editor.

--Don Simons

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 10:02 PM
Subject: LaTeX editor

Hello Sir,

I am using WinEdt for editing LaTeX document and it works fine for MusiXTeX,
but there is a quite fine free editor that does the job just as well. It is
LaTeXEditor: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home5/pg03053527/latexeditor/. Try it

Marc Demers

TeX-music mailing list

This definitely not a MusiXTeX-specific matter, so I do NOT think there should be a link to this editor on the MusiXTeX software page itself. The place where (some) text editors are discussed is Eva Jaksch's installation manual (http://icking-music-archive.org/software/musixtex/musixwinstall.pdf) where she has recently included an `honorable mention' of the "crimson" editor. Anyone who feels that the "latexeditor" proposed should be mentioned there as well should contact Eva.


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