On Sat, 8 Oct 2005, A.H.Gilbert wrote:


Long ago using a previous version of PMX I re-edited one of Werner's Bach
Contrapunctus for a wind quartet. We recently played it with pleasure and
I want to do some of the others. However attempting to PMX process
kfsqii.pmx gave:-

This is PMX, Version 2.501, 26 Feb 04
Opening kfsqii.pmx

Starting first PMX pass

ERROR in line 9, bar 0 There should be a blank here


Line 9 contains the clef symbole 'batt'. Inserting a blank by moving the
clef symbols down one line gave:-


This is PMX, Version 2.501, 26 Feb 04
Opening kfsqii.pmx

Starting first PMX pass

ERROR in line 9, bar 0 There should be a clef symbol here


I'm baffled. Any help would be appreciated.

I attach the kfsqii.pmx source file.

Thanks & Best wishes,
Howard (Dr A.H.Gilbert, Thornaby-on-Tees)
No Microsoft products were used in the writing and distribution
of this message.

Problem (1) I found a Hex "D" (Dec 13) at the end of every line of your
            source, which, depending on your editor, you may never have
            seen. Whereever that came from, I think pmx got confused by
            it, (shit happens ...)
        (2) after those were deleted, pmx ran OK, but then TeX complained
            that it couldn't find file 'kfsqpmx.tex' . I can't really
            blame it for that, because I couldn't find it either
            [ :-( / :-) ] ; your pmx source says explicitly:
                   \\input kfsqpmx\

            So I suppose you simply gave up after the Hex D error.
            Provide the missing link, and you'll probably be in business.


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