Am Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2005 22:36 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Hello Christian, Bodo, Simon,
> Thank you for your quick and helpful reply. Strangely, on my former (SuSE!)
> system, I would use the commands musixtex, musixflx, musixtex (it still
> works! - my former installation is still alive but now in my daughter's
> hands). I can't remember why that had been arranged in that way, it is too
> long ago. Anyway, now pmx and musixtex (T112) are installed and work
> smoothly (with the command sequence pmxab, tex, musixflx, tex)! I tested
> some older codings of mine, and the outcome was nice. (I did not try M-Tx
> so far.)
> This being the main point, I thought, however, I should still mention the
> following. The *.pmx-examples in the distribution are barsant.pmx,
> dyntest.pmx, most.pmx, and mwalmnd.pmx. Apart from most.pmx, these examples
> make use of the file `musixps' which is part of what is referred to in "2.5
> MusiXTeX type 1 fonts" of your HOWTO. Without it, it is impossible to enjoy
> the examples: After the processing command for the .tex-file (successfully
> produced by pmxab) you get
> ! I can't find file `musixps'.
> l.9 \input musixps
> As it is nice to have musixps anyway, the normal reaction would simply be
> to install it. As long as I may follow your own words, there is no problem.
> But then your HOWTO says  "Then follow the instructions from point 3 of
> section '3. INSTALLATION' of the accompanying file README". These read as
> follows:
>   3) Copy the map file ./dvips/ to the appropriate directory, such
> as
>      $TEXMF/dvips/config
> [I can copy the file (/dvips/) into
> /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/, and I think this is intended although it is
> not in the "private path". But after that,one needs more knowledge (or
> confidence) than I have to digest the next steps:]
>   4) Add a line
>       p
>      to a suitable file or, in a tetex-based distribution, add
> to the list of map files for Type1 fonts with Metafont
>      equivalents in the updmap script, which should then be executed
>      by doing "./updmap".

Using SUSE 10 you will find updmap.cfg in /etc/texmf/web2c. Add a line: 
"MAP ".

Before put into /usr/share/texmf/fonts/map/dvips. Then go 
to /etc/texmf/dvips/config and add in the line "p".

Execute updmap


> [Which is "a suitable file"? Don't know. - Well, never mind, I
> think I have a tetex-based distribution, so I find the executable file
> updmap in /usr/bin, edit its script - and feel embarrassed as I don't find
> any "list of map files for Type1 fonts with Metafont equivalents in the
> updmap script" in this long and complicated text. That's it. I am sure
> these instructions are clear enough for people who know more than me...
> Considering the remaining steps, I think I'd know what to do in 5) and 7),
> but in 6) again, which is "the config file"?]
>   5) Copy the map file ./dvipdfm/ to the appropriate directory,
> such as
>      $TEXMF/dvipdfm/config
>   6) Add a line
>       f
>      to the config file.
>   7) Do mktexlsr or texhash or whatever is necessary on your system to
>      re-generate the TeX database.
> Therefore, being unable to follow these instructions, I don't have musixps
> at my disposal, and as a consequence, cannot process the .pmx-examples
> either. I am sure you can tell me what I need to know (again!). But I think
> it is also important to realize where innocent readers find instructions
> difficult. That's why I am writing this lengthy email!
> Thank you again for all your patience,
> Hartmut
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