Christof Biebricher skryf:
> More of a problem are the executables. I suggest that one offers 
> binaries for windows and linux-i*86; for all other systems one
> has to add the program sources for compiling, if possible, as C programs.
> After we agree about the new package, it would be possible to replace
> the complicated and then obsolete installation instructions and clean
> up the now rather complex software catalogue.
I recently switched to Ubuntu Linux, a Debian variant.  MusiXteX,
musixlyr, PMX and M-Tx are available packages and to install them was 
simple.  If you say "aptitude -r install m-tx", everything is installed 
in one go.  If you have only one functional finger, you can even do
it by selectng menu items from a GUI.

Other Linux distributions offer similar features of installing 
recommended packages, although as far as I know, Debian is the only 
one that has our packages as part of the official release.

What is my point?  Basically, that any user sophisticated enough
to get useful results from a generic linux-i*86 would not need
the combined package, and that easy solutions for some distros
are already available.  Megalithic packages offering everything
are a bit out of fashion in the Linux world.  Maybe it makes sense
in the Windows world - I would not know.

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