I have followed this way. Instead of several images, I've made a list of all the addresses and I've converted this list in bitmap format.

For the conversion from file.eps (not bitmap) to file.png I've used a ghostscript command (learned from tex4ht utility) with a good result:

gs -sDEVICE=pnggray -sOutputFile=file.png -r100 -dEPSCrop -dbatch -q -dNOPAUSE -dTextAlphaBits=4 file.eps -c quit

You can change the resolution (here r=100).

For file.png > file.eps (bitmap) conversion I've used a little utility: sam2p. You'll find a windows version at http://code.google.com/p/sam2p/downloads/list.



Don Simons ha scritto:
Shamed by Luigi's having revised his tutorial, I'm working on revising the
PMX manual, which hasn't been touched since February 2004. In light of
recent posting to this list, I'd like to know the easiest way to create
graphic versions of email addresses in a LaTeX document. I'm working in
Windows XP; I have MiKTeX, Gsview32, LViewpro, and of course Paint. I tried
and succeeded in making and embedding an eps, but that turns out to retain
the character information. I've created .jpg and .bmp graphics using Paint
or Lviewpro, then tried to insert them into the LaTeX file with e.g.
\includegraphics{dsimonsemail.bmp}, but LaTeX complains that it doesn't know
the size of the graphic and needs a bounding box.  This shouldn't be so
hard. How have other people do this?

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