>|I have on two occasions asked on this list whether anybody wants to
 >|help me convert M-Tx to Python.  Christian Mondrup convinced me that
 >|we shouldn't, as outside the Unix world people don't already have Python

That may have been the case when you asked but it isn't now: Python is

 >|The objection does not apply to LuaTeX.  All recent TeX distributions
 >|have it, maybe at this stage only as an optional extra, but it is being
 >|billed as the "next generation TeX engine".
 >|If we had LuaTex in 1992, musixflx could have been implemented in Lua
 >|  and there would be only one TeX pass.
 >|If we had LuaTeX in 1996, PMX could have been implemented in Lua and
 >|  there would not have been pmxa and pmxb passes.
 >|If we had LuaTeX in 1999, M-Tx could have been implemented in Lua and
 >|  there would not have been a prepmx pass.
 >|Now it is 2010 and we do have LuaTeX.
 >|We can go on as we used to: regard musixflx as cast in concrete, rely
 >|on Don to keep maintaining PMX (nobody else except me, as far as I know,
 >|has contributed even one line of Fortran code to it) and hope that someone
 >|occasionally tweaks M-Tx to take account of some recent PMX feature (that
 >|person is no longer me).
 >|Or we can gradually convert more and more of the functionality of these
 >|packages into LuaTeX, thus taking advantage of the fact that the next
 >|generation of TeX package writers will be fluent in it and will be able
 >|to maintain the software.  A single package luamusix.sty will do
 >|I think the choice is obvious.  Don't you?

No. Is Don willing to re-write PMX in Lua or anything else? I doubt it
and as PMX is still being developed, his cooperation is essential. As
for choosing Lua, I have my doubts. It sounds like a simple scripting
language with bindings to TeX. Could not such bindings be written for
Python? The TeX community seems again to be doing something completely

Bob T.
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