K. Wieland wrote:
> All,
> Thank you for the responses.  In my defense I did read the manual
>  (which is obvious since I couldn't have coded the music without 
> it!).  I found it helpful most of the time.  

Yes, but you didn't seem to have read the introduction or you'd have found out 
about musixflx ;o)

> I didn't find the suggestion to purchase a $600 software to do this "simple" 
> job.

I'm certainly not a Sibelius salesperson (especially as someone who has to pay 
the full whack for it), but if you're teaching then you're entitled to a 
massive discount. My point was that it took literally 2 minutes to enter your 
example into it and even an experienced TeXnician could not enter (and with 
100% accuracy) that MusiXTeX input at the same time. It's also a lot easier if 
you're composing to use a processor rather than a setter as you can make 
changes considerably faster.

> I don't know enough about using PMX as a preprocessor - I'm a beginner, 
> remember :).

I've never used it (simply because I use MusiXTeX as output from more complex 
programs so I don't need yet another pre-processor on top of mine!), but 
there's a lot of documentation and copious examples, not to mention its author 
on this list if you get stuck!

> Is there a way to configure TexShop to do the three part compile?  

Afraid I can't help you there - 
http://pages.uoregon.edu/koch/texshop/documentation.html seems to have a 
fantastic lack of documentation about TeXShop itself and I don't have a Mac to 
be able to see if there's any online documentation.

> And why wouldn't the examples compile out of the box?  If they needed a 
> package,
> why didn't the compiler state that. I've attached the compile error.

The examples do compile out the box (including the transcript in your message 
revealed what you were doing incorrectly) - you're using LaTeX when they're 
written in plain ole TeX. Remember that it's MusiXTeX not MusiXLaTeX - the 
primary driver for this program is intended to be tex (the .sty file just adds 
an environment: the idea is that you'd only use MusixTeX with LaTeX for 
typesetting musical examples - MusiXTeX's manual, for example) so you simply 
need to compile with tex (or pdftex) instead of latex (or pdflatex). In 
general, it's a good idea to write scores using tex only - one of the 
extensions (musixsty) contains a few macros for doing common things like titles 
and so on which you may miss without LaTeX commands being available. 

> Is there a way to fix (the manual, the distribution, ???) so that others can 
> compile without much hassles?

The manual is fine - read page 5 where it says "tex jobname" :o)


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