With lots of effort by Hiroaki Morimoto and Andre van Ryckeghem, we now have
a new, complete distribution of MusiXTeX 1.15 at

http://www.icking-music-archive.org/software/musixtex/musixtex.zip .

The main new feature is the ability to have many more instruments than in
past versions. The price is that with larger numbers of instruments, and
also with any MusiXTeX file generated by PMX version 2.6 or later, you must
use etex rather than tex. But this is no problem at least with any recent
version of MiKTeX.

The new distribution will work for any OS but the installation manual is
tailored toward Windows, and includes numerous batch files, one for
installing and many for running the code. I believe the UNIX installation
instructions now in the archive still apply. It would be nice if someone
would volunteer to create an installation manual specifically for MAC OS.

Since there were so many changes in the documentation and file structure,
there are bound to be mistakes, so I'd appreciate some testing of the
installation and reports on any problems.

--Don Simons

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