Jill-Jênn VIE wrote:
> Is there a way in PMX (or, I bet, rather MusiXTeX) to put the well-known
> swing tempo indication:
> http://totalguitarist.com/lessons/reading/notation/guide/notes-and-
> rhythm/swung-8th-notes.gif ?

Afraid I don't quite have enough time this morning to try it myself, but in 

* Typeset the symbol itself inside \startextract on a stave with no lines (as 
just a simple pair of beamed quavers and a triplet all on the same note - the 
equals will have to be a text insert with some spacing)
* Put this inside \setbox0=\hbox{...} to store it for later use 
* When you want the symbol, use \zcharnote{pitch}{\box0} within your actual 

If you want to use the symbol more than once, use \newbox\swingbox and then 
\setbox\swingbox=... and then later on \copy\swingbox instead of \box0. And 
obviously if you want to use the symbol in more than one score, package it up 
in a macro!

It doesn't look to me like something which should need an additional package.



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