Bob Tennent <> wrote:

> Last November, Dirk Laurie suggested that we should be porting the
> M-Tx/PMX/musixtex/musixflx toolchain to LuaTeX. I won't review his
> arguments here, but I'm pleased to report that Nikhil Helferty, a
> student here, has successfully converted musixflx.c (version 0.83.3) to
> musixflx.lua (version 0.83.3.luaN, currently N=1). This is available by
> anonymous ftp from here:

this is great news -- kudos to that student!  i did preliminary poking
around towards a port to perl, but real life intervened (it's as well
the world isn't made up of robins....).

i had, in fact, vaguely thought of making musixflx into a separate ctan
package (it's already separate from musixtex in the distributions,
brought in by their "requirement" directives[*]).

doing that would involve breaking your structure, but i think it would
add clarity to the distribution, and would also allow mirrored
distribution of this excellent script.

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