On Mon, 20 Jun 2011, Terrence Enger wrote:

Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 21:02:32 -0400
From: Terrence Enger <ten...@iseries-guru.com>
To: tex-music@tug.org
Subject: [Tex-music] segmentation fault in pmxab


I know from Noack "Typsetting music with PMX -- version 2.6" that
I am not supposed to put the code for a dynamic mark in front of a


Obviously, the solution for me is to just "stop doing that".


This is even more so, as the solution of the problm is to make use
of the appropriate PMX method for that: tweaking the position/length
of D< (and, in fact, all other cases of the D command!) accordingly;
in your case, the following will do the job; instead of
          D< g83 d+ g- g+ D< g4 r /
          g84 D<+0-5 d+ g- g+ D<+0+1 g4 r /

( Adjust the shift parameters to suit your own taste).

Thanks for your citing the remark on this in my tutorial!
In light of your 'problem', I guess it would make sense to point
out the remedy in the Note I wrote on this  -- I will add that in
my next update (coming soon for another, more serious reason ...) .


  Prof.Dr. Cornelius C. Noack
  Inst. f. Theor. Physik FB 1
  Universit"at Bremen               Phone    : +49 (421) 218-62031
  Otto-Hahn-Allee                   Fax      :              -4869
  D - 28334  Bremen                 home     : +49 (421)  34 22 36
                                                    Fax:  346 7872
  E-mail: noack at itp.uni-bremen.de   or   ccnoack at mailaps.org
  WWW-page: www.itp.uni-bremen.de/~noack
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