
I get a strange behavior of the lyrics placement when I adjust the vertical position at a new line: The hyphens or melisma at the end of the old line already gets shifted as if it were on the new line after the vertical shift. You can see this in the example below at the end of the 4th and 5th system. How can I correct this strange behavior?

Viele Grüße,

PS: I also get the strange problem with the missing repeat in this example...

Title: Lieber Freist\"adtler
Composer: W.~A.~Mozart
Meter: C
Sharps: 2
Pages: 1
Systems: 7
%Space: -18
%%\input musixtmr
%\input musixlth
%\hlthick.5pt    % staff line thickness
%\stemthick.5pt  % stem thickness
%\blthick.5pt     % normal bar line thickness
%\Blthick.6\Interligne% bold bar line thickness (repeat, etc.)
%\hlthick.4pt    % staff line thickness
%\stemthick.4pt  % stem thickness
%\blthick.4pt     % normal bar line thickness
%\Blthick.6\Interligne% bold bar line thickness (repeat, etc.)

Lie-ber Frei-st\"adt-ler, lie-ber Gau-li-mau-li,
lie-ber Sta-chel-schwein, wo gehn Sie hin, wo gehn Sie hin, wo gehn Sie hin?
Et-wa zum Fin-to, o-der zum Scul-tet-ti? Ha, wo-hin, wo-hin?
Zum Scul-tet-ti, zum Fin-to, zum Fin-to, zum Scul-tet-ti. Ei,
zu kein'm von bei-den, ei, zu kein'm von bei-den, nein, son-dern zum Kit-scha geht der Herr von Li-lien-feld, und nicht der Frei-st\"adt-ler, nein, auch nicht der Gau-li-mau-li,
we-der der Sta-chel-schwein, son-dern der Herr von Li-lien-feld.

@-7 f2 f | g e4 e | f f f f | g2 e | c2+.a | \\\scale{1.3}\ d4 [ c8 b ] a4 b | \\\scale{1}\

f2 e | d8 c d e f e f g |

U:@< @< 2.~~
a2 of d4- d8 d | e2 a- | a4+.d- d d | e2 a- | a+ r4 e | f d d+ r | r a8 a [ a b ] g a |

[ f e ] d c d c d e |

U:@< @< 3.~~
f4 of d a2+ | r4 a a a | a a- { a2+ |

Space: +3
@-2 a4 } a a a |

   a a- g2+ | f f4 g |
C: ~ ~  g-   f- f- g-

a0 |
C: a-

d4- a8+ g f g f e |

Space: -3
U:@< @< 4~~
@+2 d4 of d+ { d2 | d4 } [ c8 b ] c4 b8 a | d4 d- { d2 |

d8 } d c b c4 a |

e4+ e8 e g c- c4 | [ d8 f ] a g f4 e | d2 c | d4 r r2 of :|
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