rp | rp |
rpb | rpb |
rp | rp |
r2 | r2  g23 | a4f bf4 c2 c2 |
L: Sweet mess-en-ger of

r2  r2  bf24 |
r2b r2b  f24 |
L: I
r2b r2b d24 |
b0f3 r2 b2 |
LB: rest;  (??)

In the 2nd para the base line has the word rest, The word I  is sung by all
and in the music sheet it appear between the two staves.  When I write the
above code the program sees to expect the bar to be finished in LB so it
puts ? where I should be.
Is there any way to tell the program to stop the lyrics line?


Sebastian Canagaratna
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