>|Next I uninstalled TeXLive and moved on to MiKTeX. Did a "basic install",
 >|version 2.9.4521. The pmxab.exe in the bin folder is version 2.617 (2
 >|versions old), and when explicitly invoked, it runs fine. There's also a
 >|pmx.exe in that folder. Crossed my fingers and ran it. 

Why?  Is there any documentation that told you to run that?   Do you
normally run any old binary you happen to find in a bin folder?

 >|Got a popup saying
 >|"missing pmx.lua...do you want to install it from the repository?"

pmx.exe and pmx.lua changed to pmx2pdf.exe and pmx2pdf.lua. It's
possible that (some of) the old files are still present.  You could
complain about that to the MikTeX forum.

 >|At that
 >|point I decided instead to see if I could find it in CTAN. Searching CTAN
 >|for "pmx.lua" gave no results. But then, neither did a search for
 >|"pmxab.exe", which I subsequently found manually in the archive as part of
 >|the pmx package. ???

Searching for files that are zipped up in a tds.zip doesn't work at CTAN
AFAIK.  In any case, you wouldn't find it if the name had been changed.

 >|So I ran pmx.exe again, and this time took up MiKTeX's offer to install
 >|pmx.lua from the repository. The automated installation process terminated
 >|with a message in reference to pmx.lua saying "the Lua script could not be
 >|found". The process had in fact created a folder "MiKTeX 2.9/scripts/pmx"
 >|and inserted pmx2pdf.lua there. Typing "pmx" gave the same "missing
 >|as before. I couldn't figure out how to manually run pmx2pdf.lua...typing
 >|pmx2pdf or pmx2pdf.lua didn't do anything because windoze didn't recognize
 >|that as an executable. Renamed pmx2pdf.lua to pmx.lua. Typed pmx again,
 >|it still said it couldn't find pmx.lua. Refreshing the filename database
 >|didn't help. So out of ideas for the time being, gave up on getting the
 >|script to work.
 >|I then proceeded to finish processing the TeX test file manually. On the
 >|first etex pass, again files were missing, both from musixtex and
 >|musixtex-fonts, but MiKTeX offered to install them and this time did so
 >|successfully. Manually completing the sequence musixflx, etex, dvips did
 >|result in a proper postscript file.
 >|I find it quite curious that the basic MiKTeX install included pmxab.exe
 >|the mysterious pmx.exe (and maybe musixflx.exe; I didn't check soon
 >|but was still missing some musixtex files and fonts. Seems a little
 >|None of this is do-or-die at all because I'm doing it on a backup machine,
 >|and I have no intention at the moment to change my mainline TeX
 >|system. I'm
 >|just trying to satisfy my curiosity about how well the default
 >|procedures and pmx scripts work for current TeXLive and MiKTeX.
 >|Comments are welcome.

Gee all I did was start up the package manager, install musixtex,
musixtex-fonts, pmx and m-tx; then everything works (when one uses the
right commands, as explained in the documentation). I'm guessing that
sometimes automatic installation works but I shouldn't depend on that. I
suggest you discuss your adventures in the MikTeX forum.

Bob T.
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