Am Samstag, 12. Januar 2013, 12:17:05 schrieb Bob Tennent:
>  >|I have installed MiKTeX on Windows 7 (just for interest, normally I
>  >|use Linux-
>  >|Opensuse 12.2 for pmx and m-tx) following the instructions you have
>  >|given.
>  >|
>  >|musixtex quod works fine
>  >|pmx2pdf barsant -> pmx2pdf not found
>  >|m-tx netfirst -> This is m-tx.lua version04 "prepmx" not found
>  >|pmxab not found
>  >|pmx barsant -> the Luascript could not be found, scripts/pmx/pmx.lua
> I've installed MikKTeX-2.9 and the relevant packages on Win 7 several
> times and everything works. Did you install MikTeX-2.9?

yes, I installed the 64bit version

> Did you fully
> update using the update wizard *twice*, both as administrator and, if
> necessary, as a user? 

I repeated update both for user and adminstrator onesmore and got the message 
that no more updates are available.

> Did you install the pmx and m-tx packages using

yes, I did. Now pmx2pdf is found but no pmxab and prepmx after typing pmx2pdf 
barsant and m-tx netfirst. 

The directory for executables is \MiKTeX2.9\miktex\bin\x64
> the package manager? Why did you execute pmx barsant, which *isn't* in
> the instructions? 

I just tried it to see what will happen. pmx is in the bin-directory


> Bob
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