What i remember of this is that i not have found a solution: i had to make a specific midi sheet, ie a grace note was produced by shortening the prevous note and then put a 1/32 note:

"r8 Gxe g8+" becomes   "r1 r3 e Gxe g8+"

The quaver "c8 d " should become "c4Dx3 d"

I tried the to combine this all in one pmx file, ie by trying something as IMS1 ... IM (record MIDI without producing sheet data) in combination with MS2 ... M (record the code without producing output) in order to hear the constructed grace and see the normal grace. " IMS1 r1 r3 e Gxe g8+ IM (stop midi output) r8 Gxe g8+ IMR2 (restart midi output) ....
Of course this is not possible


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- From: Cornelius C. Noack
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 11:20 PM
To: Werner Icking Music Archive
Subject: Re: [Tex-music] How to make straight quavers swing?

On Fri, 15 Mar 2013, Dieter wrote:

Has anybody got an idea how to make PMX (or the generated midi file) swing,
i.e. translate 2 quavers into a triplet with a tie on the first notes.

I am not sure that I really understand what you are looking for; but
reading Don Simons' comment, it seems this may be similar to
the notation "shorthand of consecutive quavers" that are quite
common in the literature.

If so, the trick Andre Ryckeghem invented some time ago
(simply an inline TeX macro) might be of use. You'll find that
explained in my PMX tutorial - look at the
           subsection{Shorthand notation for consecutive quavers} .

This might be useful; and perhaps its not a big deal to rewrite
Andre Ryckehems macro suitable to your need.

If that's so, please explain in more detail what you want, and
perhaps we'll manage something.

and regards,
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  Prof.Dr. Cornelius C. Noack
  Inst. f. Theor. Physik FB 1
  Universit"at Bremen               Phone    : +49 (421) 218-62031
  Otto-Hahn-Allee                   Fax      :              -4869
  D - 28334  Bremen                 home     : +49 (421)  34 22 36
                                                    Fax:  346 7872
  E-mail: noack at itp.uni-bremen.de   or   ccnoack at mailaps.org
  WWW-page: www.itp.uni-bremen.de/~noack
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