---- Bob Tennent <r...@cs.queensu.ca> wrote: 
>  >|> But this doesn't work as expected if the parameter is
>  >|> numerical rather than alphabetic. Does anyone have the
>  >|> TeXpertise to re-define these commands to allow for
>  >|> numerical pitch parameters? This is particularly important
>  >|> for PMX users who are advised to use numerical pitches in
>  >|> in-line TeX.
>  >|
>  >|Hope I understood the problem.
> Thanks Jean-Pierre. Not quite right but the use of \raise
> and \hbox instead of \transpose are good. Here are
> re-definitions that will allow numerical note pitches:
> \def\trml#1{\raise2\internote\hbox{\loffset{0.5}{\ibl0{#1}9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbl0}}}%
> \def\trmu#1{\raise-3\internote\hbox{\loffset{0.5}{\ibu0{#1}9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbu0}}}%
> \def\trrml#1{\raise2\internote\hbox{\loffset{0.5}{\ibbl0{#1}9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbl0}}}%
> \def\trrmu#1{\raise-3\internote\hbox{\loffset{0.5}{\ibbu0{#1}9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbu0}}}%
> \def\trrrml#1{\raise2\internote\hbox{\loffset{0.5}{\ibbbl0{#1}9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbl0}}}%
> \def\trrrmu#1{\raise-3\internote\hbox{\loffset{0.5}{\ibbbu0{#1}9}\roffset{0.5}{\tbu0}}}%
> % whole notes are wider than quarter/half notes:
> \def\Trml#1{\raise2\internote\hbox{\loffset0{\ibl0{#1}9}\roffset{1.125}{\tbl0}}}%
> \def\Trmu#1{\raise-3\internote\hbox{\loffset{1.125}{\ibu0{#1}9}\roffset0{\tbu0}}}%
> \def\Trrml#1{\raise2\internote\hbox{\loffset0{\ibbl0{#1}9}\roffset{1.125}{\tbl0}}}%
> \def\Trrmu#1{\raise-3\internote\hbox{\loffset{1.125}{\ibbu0{#1}9}\roffset0{\tbu0}}}%
> \def\Trrrml#1{\raise2\internote\hbox{\loffset0{\ibbbl0{#1}9}\roffset{1.125}{\tbl0}}}%
> \def\Trrrmu#1{\raise-3\internote\hbox{\loffset{1.125}{\ibbbu0{#1}9}\roffset0{\tbu0}}}%
> as in
> \NOTes\trml 5\ha j\en
> \NOTes\trmu 3\ha h\en
> The re-definitions will be used in musixtex version 1.20.

Thanks, Bob! I'm on a trip with a computer with no TeX, so I couldn't road-test 
Jean-Pierre's initial definitions. But I suspected they should be  using \raise 
with a fixed amount for uppers and a different one for lowers, and you've 
confirmed my suspicion.

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