Don Simons wrote:
I've just put together a new version of PMX that accommodates the
recent changes in MusiXTeX. My zip file is available at

This focuses on Windows systems, containing only Windows executables,
and guidance for manual upgrading within Windows-centric file

Bob Tennant has added to this and rearranged it into a TDS-compliant
structure, with executables compiled for Windows (32 and 64 bit) and
OSX, and a file to unzip at the root of a local or
personal texmf tree:

The most important point about this new version is that it REQUIRES
MusiXTeX 1.21 along with the new pmx.tex; results will be unreliable
otherwise. But old PMX source files should work just fine with the
new setup. In fact, I would really appreciate as much testing as
possible of old (and new) sources.

There seems to be a problem with an arpeggi spanning more than one
voice. The test case is my PMX engraving of Dvorak's Humorske Op. 101 No. 7,_Op.101_(Dvořák,_Antonín)#124688

If you process my PMX source with pmx 2.71 you'll notice how the arpeggi in bar 10 (and other bars involving arpeggi across 2 voices) descend absurdly below the lower note

Christian Mondrup
WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive
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