I just accepted an update of Acrobat Reader and now pdfopen rants: "arctrl: The DDE conversion could not be established" even if I start the pdf manually before starting musixtex.cmd

If we find no solution, at least refuse this update!

The Aarhus server rants if I attach my musixtex.cmd file:
@echo off
if not exist %1.tex goto :EOF
if exist %1.mx2 del %1.mx2
if exist %1.pdf del %1.pdf > nul 2>&1
if exist %1.pdf pdfclose --file %1.pdf
@tex %1 && @musixflx %1 && @tex %1 && @dvips -q* -tA4 %1 && @ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE#a4 
-r300 %1.ps %1.pdf && pdfopen --file %1.pdf

Jean-Pierre Coulon
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