Thanks to everyone for looking at it.

Don's solution is a handsome discovery, but had a drawback that i cannot read the value of the 3th note in the trio (it comes on the wrong line if in the lower staff).

Now i humbly ask for allowing rests at the end of xtuplets. And also for combined flags and beams in xtuplets.

Here are a few examples of what are my wishes.


2 1 2 4 0 6 0 0 1 3 20 0

%Method: Put an any note where the rest should come.
%(if beamed, the hight defines the slope.
%Then replace the note by the musixtex dummy note (*)
%The put a normal rest (ie. \ds)
%replace a 4th note by a dummy (*)
% lower the rest

%replace an 8th note by a dummy (*)
% lower the rest

%replace an 16th note by a dummy (*)
% lower the rest
% replace an 8th beamed note by a dummy (*), then put a musixtex rest
% the \bsk adapt the lenght of the beam
% lower the rest
% shorter beam
% replace an 16th beamed note by a dummy (*)
% lower the rest
% shorter beam
% BEAMS and FLAG combined
% 8th note up
% 8th note low
%rest at the end of a trio, not beamed
d44ax3nf+1 D"\st d4ax3 e $\backslash$trioc f"-3 e \trioc\ f
b4-ax3nf D"\st b4ax3 e $\backslash$triocl2 g"-3 e \triocl2\ g |
%rest at the end of a trio, beamed
ex3nf D"\st ex3  b \bs triodsl2\ g"-3 d \triodsl2\ g
ex3nf D"\st ex3  d \bs triodsbl3\ g"-3 d \triodsbl3\ g //
% normal ones
d45ax3nf-2 r e rx3nf-2 r e |
% other examples
g-Dx2 D"\st gDx2 \bs trioc\ g"+19 \trioc\ g
cx3 D"\st cx3 b \bs triodsb\ g"+21 D"voices not sychron"+26 b \triodsb\ g /
%2 end rest, low beam
g44x3 D"\st g+x3 r \bs triodsl2\ g"-3 r \triodsl2\ g
% end rest, no beam
gax3nf D"\st g+x3 r \bs triocl2\ f"-5 r \triocl2\ f |
% testing other cases
rDx3n+1 D"\st rDx3 \bs triocl2\ b"-7-5 \triocl2\ b
rx3 D"\st rx3 \bs trioql2\ bD"-7-5 \trioql2\ bD //
% normal one
r2x3 r b+ |
% exotic ones
[u-2 c8x3n-3 D"\st [ c8x3 \bs triods\ bD ]"+22-4 \triods\ bD ]
b8ax3n-3 D"\st b8ax3 \bs trioc\ bD "+22-1 \trioc\ bD
rx3n-3 bD
baDx3n-3 D"\st baDx3 \bs triocc\ b "+22-1 \triocc\ b /
rp rp /
%3 beam and flag
e8-x3nf sf D"\st e8-x3nf sf d s \bs trioblcc\ c "-7 d s \trioblcc\ c
\trioblbcc\ e8x3nf D"\st \bs trioblbcc\ e8x3 d sf c s"-3+3  d sf c s
e4x3nf D"\st e4x3 sf \bs trioblcns\ d s \bs trioblcnsi\ c"-2 sf \trioblcns\ d s \trioblcnsi\ c |
\trioblbc\ e4x3nf D"\st \bs trioblbc\ e4x3 d sf c s "-6+6  d sf c s
% end rest, low beam shorted
bl4Dx3nf+2 D"\st b4Dx3 \bs triocl4\ b"-4 \triocl4\ b //
r8ax3n-2 D"\st r8ax3 r \bs trioccl{-1}\ g "+22-5 r \trioccl{-1}\ g
r8 r D"voices not sychron"+16 r1 r | r8 r1 r
b4x3 D"\st b4x3 a \bs triobuc\ c"+21 a \triobuc\ c /
% this line messes up the trios
%r8 r r r  r r r r //
rb4 [jl f8+ ] r \ibl3{20}0\ [l rb4x3 rb XS-1 \def\cu{\qu}\stemlength5\ fu ] r4 /
r8+6 r+6 r+6 r+6   r8+0 r+0 r r //
[l b8- a ]j rb r-4 [jl b4x3nf a \triodsl4\ b- ] r4 /

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