Sorry to be here again, people will think i am searching for odds but this is not true, I simply type a lot of songs. The example shows little odds that can be corrected, but perhaps there are people who want to know.

1. In the first bar, the hidden accidentals reserve space. This is corrected in the second bar by using 'zcf<0 '
In bar 3 and 4  it does not work because  'af<0i' gives an error.

2. In line 2 i have to make room for a 'Cb'. To see what i ment, remove 'X2 XS-2'

3. in bar 8 the dot and undercore have a good distance. In bar 9 i cannot bring them closer to each other.

4. Triplet with dotted first note. I try to make the first trio, but there is no easy way to do it (here i think overlook something).

1 1 6 8 6 8  0 0 1 3 20 0

r8+6 a8n+ o.+5 o_ zff zefi ffi zefi zcf efi zcfi zaf cfi zafi zff afi zffi ze /
r8+6 a8n+ o.+6 o_+1 zff zefi ffi zefi
%void space made by efi
efi zcfi zaf cfi zafi zff afi zffi ze /
r8 b8++f o> zdf- zbf [l-1 b4+fix3nf-2 zdfi- zbfi afi zdf za+fi ffi zdfi zff- ] r
%cannot use 'af<0i'
r8 b8+f o> zdf- zbf [l-1 b4+fix3nf-2 zdfi- zbfi af<0 zdf<0 za+f<0 ff zdf<0 zff- ] r /


f4+fd end Cb XS1 e2--d  XS1 bd zb+  //
f1+f af df afi dfi afi en gn cn g c
%making room for Cb
X2 XS-2 g
e1-- b+ e f g b d b a b a f  b- d f a b d f d b d b a
a4n o.+9 o_+10 ff o.+10 o_+12 d o.+12 o_+14
%cannot get the dot close to the tenuto, as in 1st bar
cf+ o.+9 o_+11 a o.+10 o_+12 ffi o.+12 o_+14 /

%try to make 'f4Fx3 f f' is made by
[m1 f4Fx4n f f ]
f4Fx4 f f
f4x3 f f
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