Dear M-Tx/PMX/MusicTeX-perts,

I usually write notes to rock-, pop-, folk- and childrens-songs
in Arragements for guitar / keyboard / piano / accordeon
and am using
 - M-Tx 0.63
 - musixcrd.tex v1.7
 - PMX Version 2.83
 - musixtex.lua version 0.19
 - pdfTeX Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 from MiKTeX 2.9 64-bit
for that purpose at the time.

My first question is, whether there is a possibility
to raise Voltas higher above the staffs than their
default position is.
As you can see in the attached pdf - which is a
compilation of the M-Tx-code stated below
the signing of this e-mail - the Volta-line crushes
into the chord-symbols and the g-Note in bar 4.
I didn't find any hints about raising Voltas in the
M-Tx and PMX-documentation so far and would
be clad if somebody could help me with that task.

Another problem occurs, when a volta-change,
a meter-change and a line-break are neccessary
at the same bar-break.
As you can see, the volta-number "2." can be
found at the end of line 1, where the meter-change
is (of course correctly) stated, instead of the
beginning of line 2, where the first bar of Volta 2
In my interpretation this is not the intended behaviour,
or am I wrong in that? If I'm right, is there a bug-fix or
a work-around for that situation?

Thanks for your great job for musictex and your help!


PS: I also attached the M-Tx-made pmx-file cause
I assume it could be helpful.

PPS: I already tried to send this mail two weeks ago,
but did not receive it myself, although my
account-settings say, I'm supposed to.
It also doesn't appear on
So I assume, something did go wrong.
I hope, you did not receive this former mail,
and apologize in the case, you did, for the
double mailing.


Title: Volta
Style: Singer
Sharps: -1
Meter: 6/8
Pages: 1
Systems: 2

%%\input musixcrd
%%\hoffset -1in\advance\hoffset 30mm
%%\voffset -1in\advance\voffset 20mm

V1 \c Dm \ c8 d e f g b |

\c Am \ b g f e d c :|

4/8 Vb2 \c F \ c+ f a c |

\c C \ c g+ e c |]

Title: Volta
Style: Singer
Sharps: -1
Meter: 6/8
Pages: 1
Systems: 2

%%\input musixcrd
%%\hoffset -1in\advance\hoffset 30mm
%%\voffset -1in\advance\voffset 20mm

V1 \c Dm \ c8 d e f g b |

\c Am \ b g f e d c :|

4/8 Vb2 \c F \ c+ f a c |

\c C \ c g+ e c |]

Attachment: Volta.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

\def\mtxdate{<7 January 2018>}
\input mtx
\input musixcrd
\hoffset -1in\advance\hoffset 30mm
\voffset -1in\advance\voffset 20mm
1 -1 1 6 8 6 8  0.00000 -1 1 2 20 0

% Paragraph 3 line 14 bar 1
V1 \c Dm \ ca84 da8 ea8 fa8 ga8 ba8 | /

% Paragraph 4 line 18 bar 2
\c Am \ ba8 ga8 fa8 ea8 da8 ca8 /

% Paragraph 5 line 20 bar 3
Vb2 \c F \ ca8+ fa8 aa8 ca8 | Rb

% Paragraph 6 line 22 bar 4
\c C \ ca8 ga8+ ea8 ca8 RD

% Coded by M-Tx
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