>|The following MusiXTeX file works OK as is, but if line
 >|15 is replaced by line 16, it fails. The only thing
 >|that changes is the argument of \centerbar within the
 >|\atnextbar command, from \liftpause0 to \pause. I would
 >|very much appreciate having one of the TeXperts explain
 >|why it works in one case but not the other.

I haven't tried to work out why \liftpause0 would make it
work, but I've found that both versions work if

  % Bar count 2

are replaced by

  % Bar count 2

Presumably, the \atnextbar processing at \stoppiece depends
on the current staff/clef/nbinstruments parameters.


 >|\input musixtex
 >|\generalsignature{ 0}%
 >|% Bar count 1
 >|\notes\wh{''C}|&\wh c\en%
 >|% If above line is uncommented and one above that commented, fails.
 >|% Bar count 2
 >|\notes\wh c\en%
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