There comes a point, in the use of any software tool, where clever
exploits become indictments against the constraints of what is
available rather solutions to a problem. This example seems to reach
that point. It will be totally unreadable even to the author later
(speaking for myself here, André has MusiXTeX at his fingertips).

Suggestion: define a TeX macro upfront with a self-documenting name
and in the score itself, use only that macro.

Op Wo. 22 Mei 2019 om 10:59 het Andre Van Ryckeghem <> geskryf:
> Dear all,
> If i want to increase the number of instruments (ie. starting with 1
> instrument and then go one with 2), pmx must be started with the maximum of
> instruments. I have to made a dummy first page with the maximum of
> instruments and then throw it away. But if making a booklet, this cannot be
> done.
> A method of making it working is putting 2 instruments above each other, so
> only 1 can be seen. This tex commands ie. are used therefore:
> \\interstaff{13}\setinterinstrument1{-13\Interligne}\
> Now i'm trying a more elegant (?) method by setting the size of the
> instrument to 0. This works for 1 staff instruments.  I have added an
> example the clarifies it a little more i hope.
> I like to get comments on this or hints to improve.
> =============
>      3    -2 1 2    4 4 4 4   0  1
>     1 4 20  .05
> Man.
> bbt
> ./
> Arbd
> %1
> \\setsize1{0}\setclef18\setsign10\setmeter1{}\
> rbp rbp rbp rbp rbp /
> c44 b8 a b4 g | d+ c8 b c4 a | e+ d8 c d4 b | e c d d- | g0 /
> e44 d8 c d2 | f4 e8 d e2 | g4 f8 e f2 | g.f | g0 //
> g24.b | a.c | b.d | c4 b a2 | g0r /
> %
> L3M+12r+ci.05
> m6464
> \\\setsize1{\normalvalue}\setclef1{5}\
> \\\setname1{Ped.}\setname2{Man.}\
> d0d- t dd t t dd t t dd t /
> a2d t ad t | ed+ d,c | a0d e2+ d8 e d2,c /
> f2d t fd t t f0d t t fd t t fd t //
> e2d+ dS2,cS1 a0d e2+ d8 e d2,c a0d t /
> ==========
> Thanks
> Andre
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