Danai was referring to the following:


(now gzipped). Dieter and I have received assistance from
Mike Spivey who is responsible for obc, the Oxford Oberon
Compiler. The package contains Dieter's Oberon source files,
slightly modified, and bytecode generated from these by
obc. Then there is a runtime system that when compiled can
execute the bytecode and, crucially, is written in C. So if
you download this package and do the standard software build

  tar xvf xml2pmx-2020-05-24.tar.gz
  cd xml2pmx-2020-05-24

you should get an executable xml2pmx. You will need a gcc
that supports --std=gnu99. Test the executable by doing

  make test

and then install it anywhere on your PATH. You will also
find in the archive a version 0.23 of the musixtex.lua
script that supports xml2pmx as a pre-preprocessor,
comparable to m-tx, so if installed properly, you will be
able to do

  % musixtex Telemann 

and get Telemann.pdf from Telemann.xml.

There are also man pages xml2pmx.1 and musixtex.1 that can
be installed in a suitable man/man1 directory but have also
been compiled to PDFs.

The aim of this project is to allow xml2pmx to be
distributed in TeXLive and MiKTeX. We're not there yet but
your feedback could be useful.

Bob T.
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