On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 02:07:04PM -0700, William F Hammond wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 3:09 AM, Matteo Gamboz 
> <gam...@medialab.sissa.it>wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >   I'm looking for a way to keep math as it is. For example:
> > J\`er\'ome $\alpha < x^{\infty}$ end
> > →
> > Jèróme <math><![CDATA[$\alpha < x^{\infty}$]]></math> end
> For translating LaTeX to DocBook you want, as I understand it, to have TeX
> source put inside <math> tags whose content is the literal TeX source as a
> CDATA marked section.  Yes, your .cfg sets up the beginning and end of the
> CDATA marked section, but it does not give tex4ht a way to understand that
> the TeX math markup should be passed untouched.  Probably, one could write
> an alternate version of dblatex to do this.

Thank for the answer.

I'm not sure I understand about the dblatex hint. If I'm not mistaken
it's a system to go from docbook to latex.

In any case, I'm targeting a very simplified JATS, and I'm now testing
a solution including:




The interesting part (\AltMath) I found on


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