On 10/19/2013 7:18 PM, William F Hammond wrote:

Moreover, the last time I checked the MathJax folk recommend that
translation programs use MathML rather than TeX.  Also note that when
TeX is used in HTML, the MathJax processor converts it to MathML
before rendering it.

Yes, true, but that is exactly my point. Since MathJax converts
Latex to MathML, why have tex4ht do it then? Since I do not see
the same problem(s) when I use MathJax->MathML compared to
tex4ht->MathML on the same copy of the Latex source?

Aside from that, this problem does not lie with the way MathJax
typesets MathML.

The problem is that the MathML code itself, generated by tex4ht is
not correct.  MathJax simply uses it as is.

I say this because I produced a different mathjaxed
MathML version for your examples using gellmu that is here:

You haven't shown us tex4ht actual output, and I haven't run your
source through tex4ht to check what's going on.  Perhaps you might
want to compare it with the example I gave.  In so doing don't forget
to check up on the css.

I know I need to make better documentation of this problem. I
simply wanted to find out first if there is a easy way to
pass-through the inline and display Latex as is, to the HTML,
and let MathJax convert it to MathML.

If not, I'll document these issues better and send a new post.
Will show the HTML generated and the MathML generated also. But the
problems are there. So that is why I do not now use MathML option,
and went back to original way of asking tex4ht to generate .png for
Math equations.

I also found another problem with the MathML generated by tex4ht not
shown in the 2 examples I posted relating to size of "()" in
some expression. So now there are 3 examples of bad MathML. Also,
I have a post here at Tex Stackexchange of another example, from
sometime ago:


So, I'll make a better report on these new issues, and include all
output and make small working examples.

Thank you, I know of Gellmu, but I have not used it myself.

                               -- Bill

P.S.  I think in your examples the two uses of \overset might be
re-visited.  \overset{\rightarrow}{x} might be replaced by \vec{x} (a
math accent, somewhat different rendering) and \overset{\centerdot}{x}
might be replaced by \dot{x} (another math accent).  Also you might
(or might not) want to use dotless i and j.


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