
> ...
> it is well known issue that ^ character has changed catcode with tex4ht, so we
> have to set it temporarily to the normal value. we may create environment,
> which will have correct catcodes inside, so you can place problematic code
> here
> newenvironment{normalcatcodes}{catcode`^=7catcode`_=8}{}
> and full example:
> documentclass[]{article}
> usepackage{cprotect}
> newenvironment{normalcatcodes}{catcode`^=7catcode`_=8}{}
> begin{document}
> begin{normalcatcodes}
> cprotectfbox
> {
> begin{minipage}[t]{textwidth}
>  This is a test 
> end{minipage}
> }
> end{normalcatcodes}
> end{document}
> ------------
> so this is another example of problems caused by redefined catcodes of `^` and
> `_`. incidentally, I've found another one today:

This strikes me as a rather compelling example illustrating why
formal LaTeX profiles should be used.

Just saying  :-)

                                    -- Bill

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