On Wed, Jun 01, 2016 at 01:13:31PM +0200, Daniel Becker wrote:
> here is another example:
> Website: http://www.jpberlin.de/d.becker/
> TeX-File: http://www.jpberlin.de/d.becker/website.tex
> Configuration: http://www.jpberlin.de/d.becker/htlatexconf.cfg

Thanks a lot, Daniel.  This is exactly the kind of solution
I was looking for.

Unfortunately, I run into a nasty problem when I switch language
for babel.  Changing «english» for «nynorsk» as babel option,
the HTML for a TOC entry in the left hand navigation becomes
(for example) this:
<ul id=\penalty \@M \discretionary {tt-}{}{t}\penalty \@M \hskip \z@skip
oc-subsection\T1\guillemotright <li><a 
href="links.html#x16-270003.2" id="QQ2-16-28">Links</a></li>

Evidently, there is some smart mechanism which tries to fix the
quotation marks.  Does anyone know how to fix this?  I don't
quite understand why this is a problem in these particular tags,
and not other instances of quotes in HTML attributes ...

:-- Hans Georg

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