
                 Summary: xr-hyper
                 Project: tex4ht
            Submitted by: michal_h21
            Submitted on: Wed 21 Dec 2016 01:39:29 AM EET
                Category: None
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



Victor Ivrii reported on TeXhax issue with xr-hyper package. I've found that
the tex4ht configuration is identical with xr package. There are two issues:
\externalcommand has additional optional argument in xr-hyper, it ends in the
document, causing compilation error, because it is before \begin{document}.
The other issue is that \newlabels defined by hyperref the aux file have 5
arguments instead of two, but tex4ht macros read only these two, so the rest
of them is executed at wrong place.

I think I've fixed these issues and commited the fixes to the repo. 

Sample files:

%%%%%%%% sample.tex
\externaldocument[Alpha-]{Alpha}[***some url***]

%%%%%% Alpha.tex

% \usepackage[capitalise,noabbrev]{cleveref}
% \crefname{equation}{}{}     






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