
                 Summary: Issues with image names containing spaces
                 Project: tex4ht
            Submitted by: michal_h21
            Submitted on: Sun 12 Mar 2017 05:47:21 PM EET
                Category: None
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



I've found strange issue with images whose filenames contain spaces (I know
that it isn't a good idea, but sometimes you can't control your input):


\includegraphics{"includes/Newman Crest"}
\includegraphics{includes/Newman\space Crest}
\includegraphics{includes/Newman Crest.jpg}
\includegraphics{includes/Newman\space Crest.eps}


It produces the following code

<!--l. 7--><p class="noindent" ><img 
src=""includes/Newman Crest".jpg" alt="PIC"  
width="135.50624pt" height="200.75pt"  />  Crest.xbb <img 
src="includes/Newman Crest.jpg" alt="PIC"  
 />  Crest.xbb <img 
src="includes/Newman Crest.jpg" alt="PIC"  
 /> <img 
src="pathissue0x.png" alt="PIC" class="graphics" /><!--tex4ht:graphics  
name="pathissue0x.png" src="includes/Newman Crest.eps"  

The issue with first image is that the quotes used in the filename messes with
the quotes in HTML attributes, so the file isn't loaded properly. Second and
third examples produces spurious  `Crest.xbb` text. The last one has wrong
resolution and the image is clipped, so only small part of it is displayed.

I've modified the tex4ht sources to remove the quotes from the filename, which
fixes the first issue. The second issue might be actually bug in the Graphics
package. It tries to open the .xbb file with image dimensions, when it
contains spaces, it tries to open only the part before space, the rest will
end in the document.  I've patched \Gread@eps macro to always include the
quotes for .xbb loading. The last issue disappeared almost magically with
these fixes, I am not really sure how :) 

Simple testing file is attached.


File Attachments:

Date: Sun 12 Mar 2017 05:47:21 PM EET  Name: imagepath.zip  Size: 71kB   By:



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