Hi All,

Tagging $x+y\times c=f$ produces the output with operator space before and
after for the characters + \times and =, I require the same output in HTML
out also. Please help...


On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Michal Hoftich <michal....@gmail.com>

> Hi MadYuv,
> > In LaTeX output, I got roman output for the text "const." $dx/dt =
> +v_{0} =
> > {\rm const.}$, but the same text came in italic tag in HTML conversion,
> how
> > can I fix the same?
> you can use $dx/dt = +v_{0} = {\mathrm{const.}}$., or
> \usepackage{amsmath} and \text instead of \mathrm. I think that \rm is
> deprecated for quite some time.
> > And, inside enumerate environment, for any special number output, I've
> used
> > as \item[1$'$], and I require the text which are comes inside optional
> > square brackets in HTML file too, but currently this was omitted...
> Regarding custom enumerate labels, the current configuration removes
> generated labels and relies on HTML rendering for numbering. If you
> want to use custom labels, you can try the following configuration
> file:
> \Preamble{xhtml}
> \def\finishpar{\ifvmode\IgnorePar\fi\EndP}
> \ConfigureList{enumerate}
>    {\finishpar\HCode{<div class="myenumerate">}\ShowPar%
>     \bgroup%
>     \def\EndDefItem{}%
>    }
>    {\finishpar\EndDefItem\egroup%
>      \finishpar\HCode{</div>}\ShowPar\par%
>    }
>    {\finishpar\EndDefItem\HCode{<div class="myenumitem"><span
> class="myenumhead">}%
>    \def\EndDefItem{\HCode{</div>}}%
>  }
>    {\HCode{</span>}\par}%
> \Css{  .myenumitem .myenumhead{
> float: left;
> clear: left;
> width: 40px;
> font-weight: bold;
> }}
> \Css{.myenumitem p {margin-left:45px;}}
> \begin{document}
> \EndPreamble
> Best regards,
> Michal

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