Hi Karl,

>     https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/415418/2891
> Reading that, Nasser apparently had trouble with these new files.
> Is it settled? Should I push them to TL?

yes, you can push it. The issue was caused by Markdown rendering on
TeX.sx, the blank lines at the end of the files were removed. the
tex4ht command apparently wants the them.

>     +\<fveb8r\><<<
>     +.pcrro8r
>     +htfcss: fveb8r  font-weight: bold;
> I guess because pcrro8r.htf is the only fully-populated *8r.htf?
> How weird ...

Yes, it was the one I found. It is quite easy way to add support for
fonts with a standard encoding.

Best, Michal

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