
\textcolor{gray!100}{Lorem ipsum.}

On 9/04/19 9:06 AM, Henri Menke wrote:
> Thank you Karl, but that has nothing to do with the TeX4ht problems.
> I was able to fix the first problem by simply moving the \definecolor outside
> of \AtBeginDocument.  Now I have another problem, illustrated by the following
> MWE.  This works all nice and fine with my default engine LuaTeX, but fails
> with htlatex.  This seems to be a rather longstanding problem, because
> searching for the error message brought up this old thread from 2012 with zero
> replies:
> Cheers, Henri
> ---
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage[usenames]{xcolor}
> \begin{document}
> \textcolor{gray}{Lorem ipsum.}
> \end{document}
> ! Argument of \HColor:gray has an extra }.
> <inserted text> 
>                 \par 
> l.7 \textcolor{gray}{Lorem ipsum.}
> On 9/04/19 5:58 AM, Karl Berry wrote:
>>     This particular construction is actually part of the PGF/TikZ manual
>>     and currently prevents the manual from typesetting.
>> FWIW, I just reverted pgf in TeX Live to its previous release. -k

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