I thought to check if this is already a known issue before
I enter a bug. I do not remember if I've seen this before now.

When adding an array inside a longtable, it compiles OK
with lualatex and with make4ht when not using mathjax.

When using mathjax mode, I get a error:

(/usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/html5.4ht)) (./foo1.aux)
Runaway argument?
f\left ( x\right ) =\left \{ \begin {array}[c]{ccc} -1 \@endpbox \hskip \ETC.
! Forbidden control sequence found while scanning use of \AltMathOne.
<inserted text>
l.10         -1 &
                 & -\pi\leq x\leq0\\

May be mathjax can not handle array inside table?

Here is MWE and the command used to compile it

%must include this, else make4ht gives error. Strange.


A & $f\left(  x\right)  =\left\{
        -1 &  & -\pi\leq x\leq0\\
        1 &  & 0<x\leq\pi

Compiled with (all one one line)

make4ht -ulm default   foo1.tex
   "htm,notoc*,mathjax,p-width,charset=utf-8" " -cunihtf -utf8"

When compiled with SVG, no error:

make4ht -ulm default -f html5+dvisvgm_hashes foo1.tex
      "htm,pic-align,notoc*,p-width,charset=utf-8,svg" "-cmozhtf -utf8"

I guess will switch to using SVG to compile this file for now.

Is this mathjax issue or tex4ht?

Using TL 2019 on Ubuntu under windows 10.


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