Hi Jürgen,

> I've been using the 0.3c version (dated Nov 27) since January 17th. 
> Presumably I need to write some of the file from this repository over that 
> version?
> http://svn.gnu.org.ua/viewvc/tex4ht/trunk/
> Alternatively, if this fix becomes available via the usual package 
> repositories accessible by MiKTex within the next month or two I can wait for 
> a while - this is something I should fix before the ebook is published, but 
> it's not urgent yet.   ;)

I should update make4ht in distributions soon, I've fixed lot of bugs
since the last release. Meanwhile, you can try this updated version of

if mode=="index" then
Make:htlatex {}
Make:htlatex {} -- run htlatex againg to get correct links in index
Make:xindy {idxfile="place.idx", indfile="place.ind"}
Make:xindy {idxfile="topic.idx", indfile="topic.ind"}
Make:htlatex {}
Make:htlatex {}
elseif mode=="draft" then
Make:htlatex {}
Make:htlatex {}
Make:htlatex {}
Make:htlatex {}

It passes explicit names of the generated .ind files.

Best regards,

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