Follow-up Comment #1, bug #451 (project tex4ht):

Do you have a smaller example? I can test the pgfmanual tomorrow, but the
following sample that loads the positioning library compiles without
compilation errors for me:


\ifdefined\HCode %This driver to tex4ht only. For tikz

\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding]
\coordinate[label =above:$0$,   label =below:{$u=0$}] (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label =above:$\pi$, label =below:{$u_x=0$}] (B) at (4,0);

\draw (A) -- node[above] {$u_t = k u_{xx} +c^2 u_x $}  node[below] {$f(x)$} ++

It doesn't produce correct SVG though, it needs the alternative TikZ driver
that is commented out.

The discussion why we patched the `\@onefilewithoptions` command can be found
here: and here: 


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