On 5/21/2020 4:58 AM, Michal Hoftich wrote:
Hi Nasser,

catdvi -e 1 -U index.dvi | sed -re "s/\[U\+2022\]/*/g" | sed -re 
"s/([^^[:space:]])\s+/\1 /g" > index.txt

It seems mathjax issue? How to tell mathjax not to look inside verbatim class?

When not using mathjax mode, there is no problem at all. Here
is the raw HTML in this case

I think MathJax interprets this string: /\[U\+2022\] as math
environment.  I hope it can be fixed using some MathJax configuration,
but I am not MathJax expert :)

No problem Michal. I compiled this one file using svg mode and it works fine.
svg always works. I would use it all the time, except it is slower
than using mathjax and generates much larger size build.

But I wonder, there must be a way to tell mathjax not to look
inside verbatim in HTML. Even HTML itself has verbatim environment:


This is a demo, tags like <p> will
appear literally.

If Mathjax tries to look at each byte in the HTML page regardless of where
this byte is and tries to interpret it as mathematics, this for me
is a very strange way to do it.

But I am OK now. This was just one old file I was compiling.


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