
Apologies if this is not the best place to submit a bug report -- I am
trying out this mailing group thing for the first time -- but I think I am
running into a bug with tex4ht. I am also fairly new with LaTex in general,
so please bear with me if I am missing something obvious. I am trying to
use TikZ in Emacs Org Mode via a LaTeX source block. For testing purposes,
I am trying to compile the following block:

 \draw[->] (-3,0) -- (-2,0) arc[radius=0.5cm,start angle=-180,end angle=0]
(-1,0) -- (1,0) arc[radius=0.5cm,start angle=180,end angle=0] (2,0) --
 \filldraw (-1.5,0) circle[radius=1mm];
 \filldraw (1.5,0) circle[radius=1mm];

Trying to compile this with pdfTex fails; the shell outputs the following

! Undefined control sequence.
l.140 \AtBeginEnvironment


! Emergency stop.
l.140 \AtBeginEnvironment


No pages of output.

I tried to track down where AtBeginEnivronment is from, with me being new
to debugging LaTeX, a quick search suggests it is from the etoolbox
package. Looking up the AtBeginEnvironment in the manual here:
it looks like the definition is missing the `[tex4ht]`, so my best guess is
that the control sequence is being invoked improperly in tex4ht-4ht.tex:


Let me know if you need anything from me to debug this or if there's a
better way to submit this bug.


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