Hello Francis,

[WARNING] mkutils: Cannot load extension: mjcli

Without the mjcli extension, this command runs fine. I don't understand why mjcli seems to run directly from the shell but not via make4ht. Could it be a path issue? Cygwin bash presumably passes a Cygwin-style path to make4ht, but since I'm using native Windows node.js it might expect a Windows-style path. But if so, why does it run directly from Cygwin bash? I would be grateful for any suggestions how to fix or debug this.

The warning message says that it cannot find the mjcli extension, which is bundled with make4ht. The extension then executes the mjcli command. So it is possible that the mjcli command is installed correctly, but you have an older version of make4ht installed on your system. Can you find any mention of mjcli in the PDF file that is opened when you execute `texdoc make4ht`? I've updated make4ht on CTAN just few days before final freeze of TeX Live 2020, so it should be possible to update to the latest version using `tlmgr update --all`.

Best regards,

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