>>I just updated to TL 2021 last night. I noticed the first thing when >>compiling some existing latex file that now the vertical spacing >>between enumeration list items is much larger than before. All other >>things being the same.
>>Notice the difference. Now it puts the item in a <p></p> >>while before it did not. This explains the extra vertical spacing. >> > The original output was buggy, as it didn't play well with \item that > cointained multiple paragraphs. So we start paragraph explicitly for > each \item now. There is some discussion going on related to "well tagged pdf" if list item bodies are paragraphs or not. Basically the answer is, "it depends": In lists with short topics you don't want a paragraph tagging, but you do in long list items with multiple paragraphs. We will probably have to offer more control for users here. But imho as *default* it makes more sense if tex4ht doesn't insert paragraphs, but offer some command that allows to mark list item bodies as real paragraphs. Lists with short, non-paragraph items are more common than lists with long texts. -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ulrike Fischer