Sounds like a good idea will do that now.

Does the above also work if I put the .mk4 files there also?
Currently I copy it to $HOME.

Yes, but it looks in scripts tree, so something like:


Btw, does one still needs to use .mk4 file in latest versions of make4ht?

You need it only when you want to change default settings, add a cimpilation step, like BibTeX, etc. It is not needed in general.

This is the one I have now, I think I got it from you years ago:

------------  new.mk4 -----------------
filter_settings "dvisvgm_hashes" {
 options = "-n --exact -c 1.2,1.2"
if mode == "draft" then
 Make:htlatex {}
 Make:htlatex {}
 Make:htlatex {}
 Make:htlatex {}
 Make:htlatex {}

And I use it as follows

        make4ht .....  -e  $HOME/new.mk4 ....

I think you don't need it. First of all, it compiles your TeX file four times, instead of default three times, so it is slower. And as you don't use SVG math anymore, you don't really need to configure `dvisvgm_hashes` extension.

So the questions I have are
1) is the above .mk4 still needed? What difference if I do not use it?
btw, I do not use svg now for math, I only use mathjax.
2) if I put in $HOME/texmf/tex/latex/mycfgfolder/new.mk4
Will make4ht finds it like it will for the .cfg files?

I hope I answered your questions :)


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