On 4/24/2022 4:01 PM, Michal Hoftich wrote:
Sorry, there was still an error in my previous email, the condition should be

if compilation_count >= max_compilations then return status end

instead of

if compilation_count => max_compilations then return status end

Best regards,

Thanks Michal.

I've used the updated build file with the corrections. Set
the max_compilation to 5 instead of 3.

Run the build and it used all 5 and no more. So it worked.

Each call to dvilualatex took about 3 hrs to complete.

The whole build, including making the PDF file took:
[INFO]    make4ht: outdir:
[STATUS]  make4ht: Conversion finished
Tuesday 04/26/22  01:25:21 AM

real    1422m3.030s
user    1216m55.415s
sys     10m44.752s


Which is about 23.7 hrs. On Linux Ubuntu 20.04 running under
WSL 2.0 under windows 10 Linux subsystem. 128 GB RAM.

It is a large webpage with lots of tables. The PDF is 43,630 pages.

The good news is that now all  chapters in the table of content
show up and there are no lost sections in the last chapter TOC
as before and all links work and I see no ??? where links
point to in tables.

It must be that the earlier default "3" runs was the cause.

It was not enough runs, and needed 2 more to "fix" things? I do
not know. But this is the only thing that is really different
from last time I tried this. It looks like the larger the web
page, the more runs tex4ht needs.

Here is a link to the above page


Thanks again for your help.


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