The title of this bug should be

"All math in chapter or section titles is messed up now"

I copied the wrong title from the last bugI entered.

I did not know how to change it in
after that.

If someone knows how to edit the bug and change the summary to the above
that will be good.


On 12/26/2022 8:37 PM, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:

                  Summary:  tex4ht no longer shows table of content when using
split level
                  Project: tex4ht
             Submitted by: nma123
             Submitted on: Tue Dec 27 02:37:27 2022
                 Category: None
                 Priority: 5 - Normal
                 Severity: 5 - Normal
                   Status: None
                  Privacy: Public
              Assigned to: None
         Originator Email:
              Open/Closed: Open
          Discussion Lock: Any



reference and screen shots at

I found that a problem in math generated after updated to latest TL. All math
in chapter or section titles is messed up now. This used to show up OK before
I updated to TL.

The math which is not in section or chapter title still shows OK. But why?

Here is a MWE



\title{my book title}



\chapter{First order ode $F\left(  x,y,y^{\prime}\right)  =0$}%

The equation is  $F\left(  x,y,y^{\prime}\right)  =0$

\section{First order linear in derivative $F\left(
These are first order ode's which are linear in $y^{\prime}$.
\subsection{Quadrature ode $y^{\prime}=f\left(  x\right)  $}

Compiled using

  make4ht -ulm default -a debug  index.tex 'mathjax,htm'

This is the HTML (see screen shot)

Notice all those \o stuff. Before updated TL this all worked OK and the math
showed up OK in section and chapter titles. So something changed.

This is the raw HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en-US' xml:lang='en-US'>
<head><title>my book title</title>
<meta charset='utf-8' />
<meta content='TeX4ht (' name='generator' />
<meta content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1' name='viewport' />
<link href='index.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<meta content='index.tex' name='src' />
<script>window.MathJax = { tex: { tags: "ams", }, }; </script>
  <script async='async' id='MathJax-script'
<!-- l. 10 --><p class='indent'>
<div class='maketitle'>
<h2 class='titleHead'>my book title</h2>
<div class='author'><span class='ec-lmr-12x-x-120'>me</span></div><br />
<div class='date'><span class='ec-lmr-12x-x-120'>December 26,
<h2 class='likechapterHead' id='contents'><a id='x1-1000'></a>Contents</h2>
<div class='tableofcontents'>
<span class='chapterToc'>1 <a href='#first-order-ode-fleft-xyy-right-'
id='QQ2-1-2'>First order ode \(F\o:left: ( x,y,y^{\prime }\o:right: )
<!-- l. 27 --><p class='indent'>
<h2 class='chapterHead' id='first-order-ode-fleft-xyy-right-'><span
class='titlemark'>Chapter 1</span><br /><a id='x1-20001'></a>First order ode
\(F\left ( x,y,y^{\prime }\right ) =0\)</h2>
<div class='chapterTOCS'>
  <span class='sectionToc'>1.1 <a
href='#first-order-linear-in-derivative-fleft-xyy-right-' id='QQ2-1-3'>First
order linear in derivative \(F\o:left: ( x,y,y^{\prime }\o:right:
<!-- l. 29 --><p class='indent'>   The equation is \(F\left ( x,y,y^{\prime
}\right ) =0\)
<h3 class='sectionHead'
class='titlemark'>1.1   </span> <a id='x1-30001.1'></a>First order linear in
derivative \(F\left ( x,y,y^{\prime }\right )=0\)</h3>
<div class='sectionTOCS'>
   <span class='subsectionToc'>1.1.1 <a href='#quadrature-ode-y-fleft-xright-'
id='QQ2-1-4'>Quadrature ode \(y^{\prime }=f\o:left: ( x\o:right: )
<!-- l. 32 --><p class='indent'>   These are first order ode’s which are
linear in \(y^{\prime }\).
<h4 class='subsectionHead' id='quadrature-ode-y-fleft-xright-'><span
class='titlemark'>1.1.1   </span> <a id='x1-40001.1.1'></a>Quadrature ode
\(y^{\prime }=f\left ( x\right ) \)</h4>
<div class='subsectionTOCS'>
    <span class='subsubsectionToc'><a href='#introduction'
<!-- l. 34 --><p class='indent'>   data
<h5 class='subsubsectionHead' id='introduction'><a
<div class='subsubsectionTOCS'>
<!-- l. 36 --><p class='indent'>   data


which tex4ht
make4ht --version
make4ht version v0.3l


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