To set the record straight: Bullying, or being bullied, according to, is "to treat abusively, to affect by means of coercion, 
to use browbeating language or behavior".  

Filing a FOIA request, or having one or 10,000 individuals send respectful e 
mails from to one or more BLM and or state officials is not bullying. To 
paraphrase Linda Sanchez in a recent post,  it is a beautiful part of this 
country- TO BE HEARD,  whether in a town hall meeting, or as an individual 
participating in threads on the SWR list-or sending a respectful e mail request 
to a BLM or for that matter any government official-it is YOUR RIGHT. 
  When policies, procedures, or laws are clearly unjust, there are ways in 
which to ask that they be rectified. When we as a people, or in this case as a 
community of cavers, allow ourselves to be administered to by BLM or ANY 
government administrator in ways we perceive to be unjust, and DO NOT stand up 
(respectfully) to be heard, we lose part of ourselves. We become less of a 
democracy. We become less of ourselves. 

FYI regarding respect:
It is Mr. Jesse Juan, STATE DIRECTOR  of the BLM.
   He has earned that title, and should be addressed as such, as should any 
government official e mailed to. 
Filing of the FOIA, and the sending of e mails to BLM and hopefully to State 
Officials, is democracy at it's best. There should be never be any fear of 
doing so. 


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