
Nope, the work day is next Saturday, April 19.  I hope Scouts and other groups 
can come out.  We will have two dumptrucks of mulch to spread so will need 
wheelbarrows, shovels and rakes.  Gloves and boots are recommended.


Cavers, we need your help!  The Texas Cave Management Association (TCMA) will 
be sponsoring a work day to spruce up the Ezells Cave Preserve in Hays County.  
The date is Saturday 19 April 2014 beginning at 10:00 am and ending about 2:00 
in the afternoon.  Meet at the 1500 block of Brown Street, San Marcos.  Cell 
number for the day: 512-797-3817 (Ron Ralph).

We plan to cut dead wood, remove limbs, cut weeds, and just generally make the 
property more attractive.  Ediger is bringing his chipper to mulch the waste 
material.  We will be concentrating on the front part of the property but will 
work inside the fence to prepare the ground for a new bat-friendly cave gate.  
We will also be spreading mulch for erosion control on the trail down to the 
fence gate.

We need people, saws, loppers, sling blades, weed eaters, and maybe even 
someone with a trailer willing to carry all the debris to the landfill.  And if 
you have a wheelbarrow, bring that along with a shovel and a rake.  Bring 
gloves, boots and your own drinks and snacks for the work, but TCMA will treat 
all volunteers to pizza and drinks afterward.  We will have water and litter 
bags for your use.

If anyone wishes to enter the cave after the work is completed, the Preserve 
Manager has agreed to that.  Bring standard caving gear if you are entering the 
cave.  All visitors to the Preserve will be asked to sign a liability waiver. 
Please RSVP to Ron, and also give him a call if you get lost getting to the 
property or would like more details.

In case of heavy rain, the event may be postponed to a later date.

Thanks for your support!

Jim Kennedy, TCMA Preserves Chair


From: Robert B 
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 6:21 PM
Subject: [Texascavers] Ezells Cleanup Date

Would somebody be so kind as to respond to this post with the date for the next 
Ezells Cleanup.

I suspect the date may have just past. 
Looking in San Marcos area for some volunteer activities for my Scouts.

Thanks, Rob 

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