As I recall, there is a cave somewhere in New Mexico (Dry Cave, perhaps?) with 
a very small room, known as the “Vast Chamber.” I believe that the next room 
encountered in that passage was somewhat smaller, and was called the “Half Vast 
Chamber.” I also remember something about Donald Davis digging in some Fort 
Stanton breakdown and finding a smallish room. Upon entering this smallish 
room, he allegedly stated that “I’ve come into an Immense Chamber.” I think 
this quickly became known as “The Davis Chamber.” I suppose that, logically, 
the surname “Davis” must be synonymous with “Immense.”




From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 7:10 AM
To: Lee H. Skinner
Cc: SWR Mailing List; texascavers list
Subject: [SWR] Big Room


Big Room

 Well, Lee, you DO know that in a number of caves I have found pretty little 
rooms.  In fact, I think you followed my instructions into one in the past, and 
grunting your way out (having given up trying to turn around in it), did agree 
that yes, it WAS pretty little.

 This small reminder from the one who also brought you the admonishment in the 
60s that "No True Cavers Wear Kneepads!"


(We will leave "suck holes" alone ---------)




From: "Lee H. Skinner" <>
To: "SWR Mailing List" <>, "texascavers list" 
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 1:59:01 AM
Subject: [Texascavers] My late night thoughts during insomnia


An observation about Karstbad Cavern: "The cave swallows cave swallows."   

If blow holes are barometric, why aren't half of them called suck holes?

If "The Big Room" is a common name for a passage in caves,  why isn't "The 
Little Room"?

Do walking passages ever run or even stop walking?

Ever try to thread a gypsum needle?

Why aren't there more helicmites? Or cattooth spar?  or calcite yachts? 

Are fried egg stalagmites usually found with bacon?

Does any cave have a Gnu Section?  Where is Sinkhole de Mayo?

Is a filled in sinkhole called a sinkwhole?

Group names: herd, flock, pride, school, swarm, covey, murder, bevy, etc.  But 
what would you call a group of cavers?  I would suggest: column as cavers 
generally go single file, and it makes one think of a type of speleothem as 

Lee Skinner


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